Driving OrganicTraffic: SEO Strategies Boosted Leads

Client Background

A B2B startup offering a new cloud-based project management software.

Challenge Statement:

Low organic website traffic and difficulty finding qualified leads online.

Implemented Solution

Keyword Research

Identified relevant keywords and search terms targeting decision-makers and pain points in their industry.

Content Optimization

Optimized existing website content and created new blog posts, guides, and case studies targeting the chosen keywords.

Technical SEO Audit

Performed a technical SEO audit and implemented improvements to website speed, mobile responsiveness, and structured data.

Local SEO Optimization

Optimized Google My Business profile and implemented location-specific content strategies.

Achieved Result:

300% increase in organic website traffic within 6 months.

50% growth in qualified leads generated through organic search.

Improved organic ranking for key industry keywords.

Reduced cost per lead by 25% compared to paid advertising.

That's not all

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