Enhancing CustomerConnections: CRM Strategies Increased Sales

Client Background

A well-established online clothing retailer facing declining customer engagement and stagnant sales.

Challenge Statement:

Generic marketing campaigns and lack of customer data insights hindered personalized experiences, resulting in missed opportunities to connect with individual customers.

Implemented Solution

Enhanced CRM data collection through website tracking, purchase history analysis, and customer surveys.

Segmented customers based on demographics, preferences, and buying behaviors.

Launched targeted email campaigns with personalized product recommendations and offers.

Utilized CRM automation for abandoned cart reminders, post-purchase follow-ups, and birthday greetings.

Achieved Result:

18% increase in average order value from personalized communications.

15% growth in repeat purchase rate.

20% reduction in abandoned cart rate.

Improved customer lifetime value and brand loyalty.

That's not all


Engagement: CRM Integration Boosted Sales

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