

Sumeru, a pioneering digital marketing strategy firm, is committed to enhancing its corporate sustainability initiatives through the implementation of a comprehensive Green Fleet policy. This policy is designed to promote the adoption of electric, hybrid, and low-emission vehicles, encourage eco-friendly driving practices, invest in necessary charging infrastructure, and significantly reduce carbon emissions and environmental impact from our transportation operations.


  1. Transition to a green fleet comprising electric, hybrid, and low-emission vehicles by 2030.
  2. Promote eco-friendly driving practices to reduce fuel consumption and emissions.
  3. Invest in charging infrastructure to support the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs).
  4. Achieve a 40% reduction in carbon emissions from transportation operations by 2030.
  5. Establish a framework for ongoing monitoring and reporting on the policy’s effectiveness.

Strategies and Actions

  1. Vehicle Procurement Guidelines
    1. Criteria for Procurement: Prioritize the acquisition of vehicles that are electric, hybrid, or certified as low-emission according to the latest environmental standards.
    2. Incentives for Adoption: Offer incentives such as subsidies for employees who choose electric or hybrid company cars, and establish a phased retirement plan for existing non-compliant vehicles.
  2. Eco-Friendly Driving Practices
    1. Reducing Idling Time: Implement policies to minimize idling, encouraging drivers to turn off engines when stationary for more than 30 seconds.
    2. Efficient Route Planning: Use advanced route planning tools to minimize travel distances and time, reducing overall emissions.
    3. Driver Training: Conduct regular training sessions for drivers on eco-friendly driving techniques that enhance fuel efficiency and reduce emissions.
  3. Charging Infrastructure Investment
    1. Installation of EV Charging Stations: Commit to installing EV charging stations at all company facilities by 2025, ensuring accessibility for all employees.
    2. Partnerships for Public Access: Explore partnerships with charging network providers to offer employees access to public charging stations at discounted rates.
  4. Carbon Emission Reduction Targets
    1. Annual Reduction Goals: Set specific annual targets leading up to the 2030 goal of a 40% reduction in carbon emissions from transportation operations.
    2. Alternative Transportation Modes: Encourage the use of public transportation, cycling, and walking for commuting and business travel, where feasible.
  5. Monitoring and Reporting
    1. Ongoing Monitoring: Implement a system for tracking vehicle usage, fuel consumption, and emissions, utilizing telematics and other technologies.
    2. Annual Sustainability Reporting: Publish an annual sustainability report detailing progress towards the Green Fleet policy goals, including achievements in vehicle procurement, emission reductions, and infrastructure development.